Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Assignment 9- Top Gun critical review

Write a critical review of Top Gun. Happy Top Gun Day!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Assignment 8- Bottle Rocket critical review

Write a critical review of Bottle Rocket. Focus on your opinions about the film.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Assignment 7- Iron Man critical review

Write a 250 word critical review of Iron Man.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Assignment 6- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button critical review

Write a 250 word critical review of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Awesome trailer for film The Hero

go here.

Wait for the countdown to get to 0 then the trailer will play.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Assignment 5- Rushmore critical review

Write your opinions about the film Rushmore in a 250 word critical review. Make sure that your opening sentence is interesting and gives the reader a sense of your overall feeling about the film.

Friday, April 16, 2010

After you have finished a critical review...

you need to comment on the blog post for the assignment stating , "I'm done. Please grade."

Finished assignments are not complete until you have a comment from me stating, "assignment done." The only way to get this comment is to tell me to grade your assignment.

If I comment to you that corrections need to be made, then you must make those corrections and comment again on the post for the assignment stating, "I made the corrections. Please grade."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Assignment 4- Let the Right One In critical review

Write a 250 word critical review of Let the Right One In. Obviously, this is a vampire movie, so it can be classified in the genre "horror" with the sub-genre of "vampire." When writing this review it is alright to compare this film to other films of it's kind. If you have any questions, then be sure to ask me for clarification.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Assignment 3- Mystery Men critical review

Write 250 word critical review of Mystery Men include in your review which character you identify with most.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Vacation Assignment- New Movie critical review

Go see a film of your choice and write a 250 word critical review detailing your opinions of the film. You can also rent a film to do this assignment (if you are renting a film then make sure it is a new release).

Remember to write an interesting opening sentence to grab your reader's attention.

Assignment 2- Zoolander Critical Review

Write a 250 word critical review of Zoolander.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Assignment 1- Ocean's Eleven critical review

Write a 250 word critical review of Ocean's 11.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Steps to Completing an Assignment

After watching the film.

1)Read the assignments description.
2)Write your critical review (following all directions)
3)Proofread your review/revise and edit if necessary
4)Publish review to your blog
5)Read your review from your blog/revise and edit if necessary
6)Have someone else read your review/revise and edit if necessary
7)comment on the assignment's post "I'm done. Please grade."
8)check for a comment from me on your post
9)make any corrections (if necessary) until I comment "assignment done."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sample Review Assignment

Write a critical review of "Face Painter." This review will be 150 words long.

For the title write-

Sample Assignment-

Critical Review of Face Painter number(rating) / 10

Make sure you write in complete sentences and use spellcheck.

After you publish the assignment to your blog, comment on this assignment telling me that you are done.

Introduction to Film Appreciation

The film reviews that you are doing for this class must be at least 250 words. This is a critical review of the movie. You are the critic.

Each review is not a summary of the movie. You are telling your audience your opinions about the movie. Some details of the movie will be in the review, but you are not summarizing the movie.

You should be describing the details of the movie that stood out most to you. If you didn't care for the movie, describe the areas in which you felt it fell short. If you liked the movie, describe the parts that made the movie good for you.

These blog entries must be written in academic English. That means complete sentences, correctly spelled words (use spell check), correctly spelled names (use and correct grammar. Movie (critical) reviews must be at least 250 words. Give your fully detailed opinions about these movies and detailed reasons why you feel the way you do. Do not summarize the movie. Writing that a movie is funny is not enough. If you are writing about a movie that you found to be funny, then describe exactly what made the film funny, and why it was so funny to you. Broad generic descriptions of anything in your blog are unacceptable.

Be specific in your opinions and the details that substantiate your opinions. Write in complete sentences/paragraphs. Use correct grammar. Above all else, use the spell check function.

Before starting asssignment 1 go here and read about writing a movie review.